Frank Kern is a veteran internet marketer from California. He has extensive experience and success with information marketing, which he uses to convey his internet marketing expertise and also in other markets. His teaching has garnered him a loyal following and excellent reputation in the industry.
These days, Frank derives most of his income from consulting. His clients have included personal development speaker Tony Robbins as well as other celebrities, authors and entrepreneurs.

Stay tuned as we update this page with relevant case studies, additional software you’ll need to practice this method, recommended additional training and everything else you need to know.
The Back Story
Learn about how this product, person or method came to be.
Frank landed in the world of internet marketing out of exasperation with his job as a credit card machine salesman. In October 1999, he made the decision to learn how to do marketing the right way and ordered a home study course by Corey Rudl.
Frank’s earliest online business success was in selling information products in diverse niches, most notably the dog training and parrot training niches. His resultant expertise and credibility enabled him to launch a series of internet marketing courses to the tune of 7 figures a piece. The courses, which include Mass Control, simply teach what Frank knows about internet marketing, which is of course a lot. He has focused on consulting since 2010.
Frank attributes his success to a belief that anything is possible, having been a loyal listener to Tony Robbins audio in his early days. These days, Frank and Tony are good friends and Frank has done internet marketing work for Tony’s business.
In more recent years, Frank has been touting behavioral dynamic response as the future of internet marketing. This is a marketing automation technique that involves sending subscribers automated but tailored email sequences based on their responses, in a choose your own adventure style.
Secret to Frank’s Success?
Frank’s clients aren’t the local accounting firm or bed and breakfast. His clients have included the likes of Tony Robbins and other celebrities. That’s the really interesting part about Frank because when these ‘important’ people want internet marketing, they go to Frank because he’s claimed that mantle as the world’s premier internet marketing consultant.
Frank is really a celebrity in our industry and that’s largely because he knows how to frame himself that way – and that’s really what marketing is about. It’s about creating perceptions. Is Frank a smart marketer? Absolutely. Are there a lot of other marketers just as smart as him? Absolutely, but you’ll always find Frank at the top of any list of leaders in our industry because he has claimed that title for himself and that’s credit to him.
How does this strategy actually work? In earlier years, Frank used a lot of video marketing with the deliberate aim of framing himself as a celebrity. Particular examples include his annual State of the Internet Address and his surfer long blond hair.
Eventually, Frank’s celebrity status became self sustaining because other internet marketers would recommend him to each other. This, no doubt, is a big reason why Frank doesn’t need to publish a lot of public facing content to attract an audience. His audience seeks him out.
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What Others Say
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The Who’s Who
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Who are the notable people in the internet marketing field who use this system in their own business, recommend or teach it to their customers or endorse it in some way?
Frank uses GoToWebinar to host his live webinars. As always, attendees are limited to 1,000.
Frank Kern currently uses Infusionsoft to handle all of his internet marketing. He is, in fact, one of the product’s most notable official endorsers.
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Case Studies
Internet marketing strategies come in all shapes and sizes, and no two are the same. I’ve profiled a number of business people that are using this system for their internet marketing and created diagrams to show their unique strategy.
What are other people in the internet marketing community saying about Frank Kern?
Kevin Rogers of Copy Chief recently interviewed Frank in a podcast. Frank says it’s only the third time he’s ever been interviewed in a podcast.
Frank explains his interesting history, including how he deliberately framed himself as a celebrity and positioned himself as ‘the Rolling Stones of internet marketing’.
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Related Information
Frank’s own business model, in addition to his consulting clients, is in packaging his internet marketing expertise, experiments and insights into information products that he sells to his own audience and through affiliates.
- Mass Control $1,997
- List Control $1,997
- Ultimate Webinar Blueprint $1,528
- Mass Conversion $1,904
- Project OTF $10,000
- Magic Model $10,000
- Millionaire Marketing Formulas $10,000
- Survey Siphon $68
- Video Black Box $194
- Advanced Consulting Class $7,800
- Mass Control Monthly Newsletters and Videos $297/mo
- Frank Kern Legacy Collection $1,997
Where can you find the best information you can trust to help you use this system for your internet marketing?
Frank uses GoToWebinar to host his live webinars. As always, attendees are limited to 1,000.
Frank Kern currently uses Infusionsoft to handle all of his internet marketing. He is, in fact, one of the product’s most notable official endorsers.
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Related Software
Every internet marketer needs a tool kit and a software stack and Frank Kern has his personal preferences that he uses in his own business and for his consulting clients. The majority of his campaigns are email based and powered by Infusionsoft. He is also a user of GoToWebinar and WebinarJam for his live and pre-recorded webinar campaigns.
What internet marketing software integrates with or works well in conjunction with this system?
Frank uses GoToWebinar to host his live webinars. As always, attendees are limited to 1,000.
Frank Kern currently uses Infusionsoft to handle all of his internet marketing. He is, in fact, one of the product’s most notable official endorsers.
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Related Traffic
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Here are the best traffic sources for if you are doing your internet marketing according to this system.
Frank uses GoToWebinar to host his live webinars. As always, attendees are limited to 1,000.
Frank Kern currently uses Infusionsoft to handle all of his internet marketing. He is, in fact, one of the product’s most notable official endorsers.
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Cons and Alternatives?
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What internet marketing products can you use as an alternative?
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In the News
Here is the place you can go to learn about the new features, updates and announcements, new products, new marketing innovations, interviews and media appearances. Our newsletter is published daily with the latest happenings in the internet marketing world and this topic makes the occasional appearance.
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