Best Email Marketing Software 2017

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Newsletter #108
January 19, 2017

The question you should ask yourself is, what software should you use for your email marketing in 2017?

The question is not, should you do email marketing in 2017?

Email marketing is the one form of internet marketing that is not optional.

To help you decide, Business News Daily recently commissioned an extensive review of all the email marketing products currently on the market.

The team started off by considering a long list of products and settled on 13 to review in full detail. They were AWeber, Benchmark, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, GetResponse, iContact, MailGet, MailUp, MailChimp, ReMarkety, SendGrid, SendinBlue and Vertical Response.

what is email marketing

Then, they researched these 13 products by using the software, consuming the product documentation, reading user reviews and comments and testing out the customer support.

In the end, they selected three winners based on different criteria. They were Benchmark as the best for small business, GetResponse as the best low-cost provider and SendInBlue as the best for meeting e-commerce needs.

Finally, Chad Brooks wrote the full reviews and published them for you to read.

That covers email marketing, now what about the other elements of your internet marketing strategy?

Should you use social media? Should you do webinars? Should you sell digital products? How will you get traffic to your website?

Our free 10-part internet marketing course for beginners will answer all of these questions.

If you’ve already started looking at our free course, why not resume where you left off? Or, if you haven’t started yet, now’s the time to get started. Here are all the modules:

Infusionsoft January 2017 Product Update

Infusionsoft is one of many internet marketing products that aims to manage the full stack. It includes automated email marketing, a customer relationship management system, order forms and a host of other features.

It is priced higher than simpler products, but is used and endorsed by many of the industry leaders.

Infusionsoft has made a number of product updates in the past month and published a video about it. You can watch the video here.

New GoToWebinar Demo Video

GoToWebinar is the most popular software on the market for running live webinars to your online audience. It too has been popularized by many of the industry leaders.

The team at GoToWebinar just made a new demo video of how the software works.

WordPress 4.7.1

WordPress is an open source and free content management system that has been a hugely popular and powerful tool for internet marketing since 2003. Most of the who’s who of internet marketing use WordPress for their websites.

A major new version of WordPress is released about three times a year. Last month, version 4.7 came out with some new features and behind the scenes improvements.

Now, version 4.7.1 of WordPress is out. This is a security release that you should install to fix security holes with previous versions. Here is the official announcement by Aaron D. Campbell.

Now You Can Pay to Promote a YouTube Comment

To finish off, here’s a quick new feature from YouTube.

YouTube is already a great way to get your marketing in front of people using video. You can even make some extra income from your YouTube videos by sharing in YouTube’s advertising revenue as a partner.

Now, there’s going to be a new income opportunity called Super Chat. During a live stream, you viewers will be able to pay to promote their comment, making it more visible to you and other viewers. These comments get pinned to the top for up to 5 hours. You also get to share in the revenue.

Here’s the official announcement.

Quotation of the Day

“Email marketing offers businesses several advantages over other types of marketing strategies. Cost is a key differentiator, as email marketing doesn’t require any printing or postage fees. Using email marketing software, it typically only costs businesses several pennies to send out an email, as opposed to at least 15 cents per piece of direct mail.”

– Chad Brooks


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