Newsletter #115
January 31, 2017
What do your logo, your color scheme, your web design, your pictures and your preferred medium have in common?
None of them are as important as the words you use!
The others have the ability to make small improvements to your internet marketing, but they’ll be useless unless you have quality copywriting.
Joanna Wiebe is the co-founder of Copy Hackers, which is a source of information for internet copywriters. She was featured in a column for MailChimp’s newsletter for agencies.
In this recent column, she recounts how she landed in the world of copywriting and how she trained herself and improved her skills.
The most important lesson you should take away from this column is this. It’s tempting to think that internet marketing is a different beast to old school marketing, but the same framework can be traced back to the days of newspaper ads and direct mail marketing.
Choosing the right sources of training and information is paramount. Too much of internet marketing information is the blind leading the blind.
You should only consider the most trusted and reputable sources of information. You can find these recommendations in module 10 of our free course.
Upcoming Internet Marketing Events in Sydney and Phoenix
Going to conferences, seminars, workshops, conventions, summits and events is one of the best ways to improve your internet marketing skills and meet other people who are doing similar things to you.
Two more upcoming internet marketing events have been added to the calendar.
First, Super Fast Business Live is being held on March 16–17 in Sydney, Australia. This event is organized by James Schramko each year. 78.5% of the crowd makes more than $100K per year and goes to this event to learn about how to scale their business with the internet. Here’s the official site.
Then, on April 25–27 in Phoenix, AZ is another annual event called ICON. This event is organized by Infusionsoft and a diverse range of speakers are going to speak on an equally diverse range of topics. Some of them will be focused on the power of Infusionsoft and some will be on more generic internet marketing topics. Here’s the official site.
Quotation of the Day
“I eventually landed on some blogs and books I trusted for guidance, and those helped shape me as a copywriter.”
– Joanna Wiebe