Ask Carlo About Lead Generation

Do you want to generate more leads for your freelancing, coaching or affiliate marketing business? Of course you do.

Then you should check out our NEW 8-part online course about lead generation. By the end of it, you’ll be an expert about generating leads online and offline.

This course is 100% FREE and there is NO catch. Yet I’m confident you’ll get more value out of this FREE course than you got out of the last course you had to pay for.

To sign up, just provide your email address at and we’ll send you one part per week for 8 weeks.

Here’s everything you’ll learn throughout the 8 parts of this course:

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Introduction to Leads

In this part, you’ll learn the TWO types of leads – warm and cold – and how and why you need to be using BOTH in your home business. We’ll also preview some things you’ll learn later in the course.

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Introduction to Funnels

In this part, you’ll learn why the best kind of lead is a warm BUYER lead who’s already bought something from you. Then we’ll cover how “funnels” can turn cold leads into warm leads.

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Introduction to Direct Marketing

In this part, you’ll learn why small businesses need to market differently to big businesses, and why direct marketing is the safest and most profitable kind of marketing for your home business.

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Preparing to Build Your List

In this part, you’ll learn how to capture the leads you generate from your media buys, and build a list. I’ll give you some smart tips to increase your opt-in rate.

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Building Your List Part 1 and 2

In these parts, you’ll learn how to generate cold leads by placing paid ads and buying media. We’ll also cover some ways to advertise for free. Read More…

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Selling to Your List

In this part, you’ll learn about what to do once you’ve generated your leads. Make offers to them? Build relationships with them? This part will teach you what to do. Read More…

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To wrap up the course, I’ll point out some lead generation mistakes to avoid, share some case-studies and test you on how well you’ve followed the material. Read More…

Ad Networks Available Now

We have reviews of 200+ of the best leads sources and ad networks that marketers the world over have successfully used to generate leads. You can access our full collection of reviews inside South Pacific Pro.

Remember, this course is 100% free, and there is NO catch.

Plus, if you sign up for this one, we’ll send you MORE free courses that will help you with other aspects of your home business – sales, branding, personal finance and more. All future courses will be FREE just like this first one, with NO catch.

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